Gosh Darn Privacy, Right? A mini-guide to what GDPR means for Paltalk


How Does GDPR Affect You as a Paltalk Member

Even if you’re not living in the EU, you’ve probably heard too much about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the emails are still coming. If the sheer number of communications isn’t overwhelming, the legalese probably is, so we’re going to do a quick breakdown of what GDPR means for Paltalk members. There are a couple things you need to know.

First, some context if you haven’t been following along:

  1. GDPR is a European Union regulation and may not affect members in countries that are not part of the EU.
  2. GDPR grants additional personal data rights to members residing in the EU, specifically rights that address how companies like us process information from individuals.
  3. GDPR is a proactive, protective measure. Paltalk has always been committed to protecting our members’ privacy and we see these new guidelines as supplemental to our existing security.

Now for some Paltalk-specific info:

  1. Paltalk’s GDPR services are currently reserved only for members in the European Union.
  2. Don’t worry. You’re still using the Paltalk you know and love. What has changed for members of the EU is the ease and the means of receiving your individual data, should you so choose.
  3. Paltalk now requires explicit consent from members in the EU in order to send them marketing messages. As before, members who have opted in can unsubscribe at any later time.
  4. Upon request and within thirty days, Paltalk now provides members in the EU with a copy of their identifying personal data on Paltalk.
  5. Upon request and within thirty days, Paltalk now provides members in the EU with a deletion of data service, removing the account from Paltalk’s system.

Learn more about how to make such data requests on Paltalk here. To learn more about GDPR as a whole, we recommend this education portal or the official European Commission site. To review your email preferences, visit us here.

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